Spark AR Aspect Ratio

Spark AR Aspect Ratio 3D

When we apply an Image Texture to a 3D Plane, it can be difficult to correctly match the aspect ratio. This results in distorted images, or fiddling with the scale manipulators.

Aspect Ratio 3D

Spark AR Aspect Ratio
Spark AR Aspect Ratio


  • Image Width: the original width of the image texture
  • Image Height: the original height of the image texture
  • Scale: set to your preference


  • 3D Scale

Now we can preserve the image aspect ratio precisely. Here how it is made.

Patch Breakdown

Spark AR Aspect Ratio 3D
Spark AR Aspect Ratio 3D

Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio is calculated by dividing height by width.


Square the aspect ratio by multiplying the value by itself.


We need a Vector 3 to send to 3D Scale, so pack up the X, Y and set Z to 0.

For more information about Planes, check out this from Spark AR.

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